
I’ve gotten this question a LOT lately.
“Are you excited?”
And I always answer with the same thing. That it just doesn’t feel real yet. But please, let me explain my indifferent response.

Of course I’m excited, I’m over the moon for Pete’s sake! *note that I am smiling from ear to ear right now and not at all yelling. Just shouting for joy*

So how do I answer this question more appropriately?

Yes I am excited but it’s so much more than that. I am blissfully happy and elated to finally see this portion of my life come to fruition.

But I’m nervous, apprehensive, anxious too! What if you don’t like it, what if it never sells and my career is shelved and forgotten like an old bauble? What excuse will I have for those three plus years wasted?

Or how will I explain my failure to my daughters/ how will my failure inspire them to reach for their dreams when all they’ve seen is disappointment?

Who knew so much thought would go into publishing a book? I sure didn’t.

But now is not the time to worry or fret. Now is not the time to count the endless ways I could mess this opportunity up. Now is the time to laugh and smile in faith. To believe without a doubt that this will work, that my dreams really are coming true. Instead of speculating whether or not this is reality.

So in short, yes I’m excited. Tomorrow my first book- Bound to the Ground- is being born. Who could be happier than I?

Join and be happy with me, friend. For tomorrow is a good day. A great day. A day that I will always remember.